Saturday 5 January 2013

Welcome 2013.
Who would have thought it would be here already?

I must admit, the end of 2012 left me feeling quite worn out and I feel like I've fallen behind with a lot of my plans.  And that includes writing.  In the real-world group raid that was "the Lead Up to the Mayan Apocalypse", my life and mana were low, my spells running dry, and the Healers all needed rezzing.

Yep, nerdy gaming reference there.  I miss WoW.   (Must not re-activate account!  Must not!)

So the upshot of all of this is that, in terms of writing and everything else, I've needed a recharge.  I'm not sure I've had it yet, but nevertheless it's time to get on with it.  After all, nothing spurs a writer like good news about his/her writing, and good news only comes from writing and submitting! Yep, that's a vicious circle, but a big part of being a writer is having to find the self motivation to just do it.

With that in mind, my goals for the start of 2013 are:
  • Finish the synopsis of "Agents of Kalanon" (the novel manuscript that won the SpecFicNZ/Steam Press Competition a little while ago) and submit it to the literary agent of my choice.
  • Further develop two of the novel sketches I have into fully fledged scene by scene outlines.
  • Begin writing one of them.
  • Optional: Write one of two short stories to submit to upcoming competitions/anthologies
So with phase one, I already have a couple of agents in mind, but does anyone have any suggestions?

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